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Astro-Tech 60mm photoguide refractor


Availability: In stock

The new Astro-Tech AT60GS 60mm guidescope with upgraded helical focuser makes highly accurate autoguiding of deep space astrophotos affordable for any astrophotographer. 
Our Product #: AT60GS
Astro-Tech Product #: AT60GS

Product Description

The new Astro-Tech AT60GS 60mm fast focal ratio guidescope adds 10mm of aperture to its 50mm predecessor to allow guiding on fainter stars . . . plus a new rock-solid upgraded helical focuser to eliminate any possible play in the focuser over its entire travel range.
The Astro-Tech AT60GS guidescope refractor  is superb for guiding long-exposure DSLR and CCD astrophotos. It is usable with refractors and imaging Newtonians up to 1500mm in focal length, as well as longer focal length scopes, such as the 12" Astro-Tech Ritchey-Chrétien astrographs.
Taking deep space photos used to require tedious and error-prone manual guiding through a crosshair eyepiece and a large aperture, long focal length guidescope. However, the guiding accuracy of modern CCD autoguiders allows hands-free automatic guiding of long exposure photos through smaller guidescopes with much shorter focal lengths. Using an optically "fast" guidescope, such as the 60mm Astro-Tech AT60GS, you save valuable time, space, and money, while still recording the pin-point star images that only autoguiding can bring to long-exposure astrophotos.
How well does an Astro-Tech guidescope perform as a guider? See for yourself. The feature image above of the Horsehead Nebula in H-alpha was taken using the original smaller 50mm Astro-Tech guidescope by Dennis Wigley, John Dutton, and Kevin Davis. It used Dennis and Kevin's 80mm f/7 Astro-Tech apo refractor and John's mono Orion G3 camera. Dennis supplied the Meade LXD55 mount, Meade DSI pro guider, Orion 1.25" H-alpha filter, and the Astro-Tech 50mm guidescope. The 50mm Astro-Tech guided for nine 15 minute exposures and one 10 minute exposure - a total of 145 minutes of guiding. We invite you to check the roundness of the stars in the highly enlarged image above to see just how accurately an Astro-Tech guidescope can guide. 
The Astro-Tech AT60GS guidescope is a 60mm aperture 240mm focal length (f/4) achromatic refractor with a helical focuser. The focuser can rotate as well to help you get the perfect framing.  It has dual mounting rings with nylon-tipped collimation screws (three per ring). The rings are attached to a riser block that uses a standard Vixen style mounting foot.  A vixen mounting shoe is included as well. Add an optional small-chip CCD autoguider, and you ready for automatic guiding.
The Astro-Tech AT60GS guidescope weighs only 20 ounces (30 ounces with the mounting rings and dovetail mounting bar). Its light weight lets you replace a heavier guidescope to gain a little breathing room with imaging setups that are pushing your mount's payload capacity. It measures 10.2" (259mm) long with the focuser collapsed. With the focuser fully extended it measures 10.75" long. A 48mm long fixed dew shield (with rubber dust cover) shields the fully multicoated cemented doublet lens from stray light.
The  Astro-Tech guidescope's helical focuser has a lock on the rotation for your CCD autoguider during focusing. The helical focuser simply moves the attached autoguider in or out while maintaining its set orientation. This ensures that the field of potential guide stars will not rotate when focusing.
The focuser drawtube also has a lock on it so you can't accidently change focuser during your guiding session.
The focuser terminates in a 1.25" accessory holder for those guiders that have a fixed 1.25" nose piece for connecting guider to guidescope. There are also male T-threads for a more solid and secure direct attachment of a guider whose nose piece can be removed to expose female T-threads for attachment to a guidescope.

Tech Details

Weight 27 oz.
Warranty 1 year


Review by:
It's not that hard to get this thing to work with a star diagonal - you just have to accept an increase in magnification by about 1.5x (so for a 25mm eyepiece, you get about 14x).
First you need a diagonal with a very short light path. I use the Vixen prism diagonal, which isn't all that great, but adequate for the task.
Then, you need a weak barlow lens. I use the Omegon "1.6x". Sometimes these are called glass path correctors, or similar names. Screw this into the front of the diagonal.
Then, try out your eyepiece collection in the 25mm range. I have several that will reach focus (it depends on the location of the focal plane with respect to the shoulder of the eyepiece).
With this arrangement, it's also a very nice little refractor that you can enjoy looking through. I did two supplemental things - I stopped down the objective to about 56mm with the ring from the top of a Mason Jar, and I used a Baader Fringe Killer on the eyepiece (ok the latter is expensive, but I didn't have any other active achromats). (Posted on 4/2/2021)
Review by:
This scope has been my primary guide scope using PHD2 for almost a year. The focuser took a little getting used to and unless you're careful it can work loose. No complaints about the mounting rings or optics. Overall a great value and I would purchase again. (Posted on 9/3/2019)
Review by:
I use this guide scope with a ZWO 290mm mini. PHD2 saw everything, was able to see very faint stars and guide my iOptron ZEQ25 for 2 minute subs. I will next use this to guide a Skywatcher EQ6e-Pro.
The scope with the mono imager has nice round stars, and a focuser thank makes it easy to bring the stars to points. (Posted on 7/22/2019)
Review by:
Had it mounted over/under with a WO Star 71. Camera was a QHY5LII-M with a t-thread to C mount adapter. Once focused it stayed focused through multiple tear downs and transports in my portable imaging system - just plug and play. I had it mounted with 3" rings and felt, I've never liked those Delrin tipped thingy rings - only reason it didn't get 5 stars. Sell it for slightly less without the rings and it would have been perfect. (Posted on 7/22/2019)
Review by:
I bought this to replace a smaller (50 mm) guidescope I use with my Meade 8" SCT on a CGEM. The best feature is the focuser, which I have used with two different cameras and used the settings to repeat a pretty good focus when switching. Optical quality is very good. The dovetail is my least favorite feature - it would be nice to actually see someone come up with a standard for finder/guidescopes. Overall, very much worth the reasonable price. (Posted on 1/7/2019)
Review by:
When you’re ready to take AP to the next level a guide scope and camera are the ticket to much longer sub frames. This 60mm guide scope is the perfect size for wide range of image scale on your primary imaging system, from small 80mm APOs to much longer focal length reflectors thi guide scope handles the job. pair with something like a ZWO ASI120mm mini for a guide camera n only your mount will limit how long your subs can be. Irks amazing well with PHD2 guide s/w. (Posted on 1/5/2019)
Review by:
I bought this from Astronomics to guide with a ASI174MC on my AT115EDT and/or my C8 on a Celestron CGEM mount. When I first took it out I was not expecting much since this is similar to other guidescopes on Amazon. Instead I received a very wide angle and the focuser made it very easy to fine tune so I had very sharp stars. Much easier than expected. I love being able to rotate my camera without impacting the focus and vice versa. The rings that come with it are good with nylon tips to prevent marring and large enough to allow for a range adjustments. Would have preferred a different dovetail, but that is just my rig and preference. An excellent value. (Posted on 1/1/2019)
Review by:
I use this guide scope with my AT 115EDT and with a DSLR and photographic lenses. Paired with a ZWO ASI120-MM and PhD2 guiding is excellent. The eyepiece holder unscrews allowing the ASI120-MM to be screwed on to the AT60GS 60mm guide scope to help reduce flexure. (Posted on 12/26/2018)
Review by:
Bought the AT 60gs to round out my AT-115 EDT/CGX AP setup. I use it as a finder scope and a guide scope. My ZWO 120mc works great with this guides scope. Very pleased with my purchase! (Posted on 11/2/2018)
Review by:
I use this guide scope with a QHY-5L-II camera on my Skywatcher 120 Pro ED refractor. Guiding is excellent and I get pinpoint stars with my Celestron Nightscape 8300 camera. I'm really hppy with the performance and price of this guide scope. (Posted on 10/17/2018)
Review by:
I have this guidescope and love it. I have never had any play in the focuser or draw tube. My lights (photos) show pin point stars over 1min exposures. I use mine mounted on a dove tail, centered atop my scope rings. I do not advise using a finder scope base, as flexure will be inevitable. The optics are very sharp, and it actually produces fairly amazing photos of the big stuff; i.e. Andromeda and larger. This scope is a steal at this price. (Posted on 10/7/2018)
Review by:
I am not a fan of helical focusers but found this scopes focuser to be accurate and smooth.
There are similar products with greater precision and much greater price tags. Point for point this is the best photo guider at this price, hands down. (Posted on 10/7/2018)
Review by:
There are no competitors in the market that can match the quality and performance at this price.
I have never been a helical focuser fan but this scope has a smooth accurate focuser. Sure there are upper-end products with closer tolerances and crazy prices but on a fair comparison this guide scope performs with the best of them and didn't empty my bank account. (Posted on 10/7/2018)
Review by:
High quality optics for use as an autoguider. No wiggle or play in this 60mm version. Alignment to main scope is precise with the ring system. 240mm focal length f4 optics provide a wide bright sharp field of view.

Fit and finish looks great on my Explore Scientific 127 ED APO. (Posted on 8/4/2017)
Review by:
Excellent guide scope.
I use it with a QHY5-II camera, and guiding is excellent. (Posted on 8/4/2017)
Review by:
I like everything about it except that the helical focuser has some wiggle in it. The optics and rings are good but to use the scope as a guidescope I don't feel comfortable focusing with the helical focuser due to the wiggle. It won't wiggle if you crank the helical focuser all the way in or out which is what I do. Of course you then have to rely on the other focusing mechanism which is just sliding the focus tube in and out. I was told this was normal so I think you'll have to spend more $$ for a similar scope with no play in the helical focuser (Stellarvue or Borg perhaps). (Posted on 8/4/2017)
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