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Sky-Watcher 14" Flextube Synscan 350P go-to collapsible Dobsonian reflector


Availability: More on the way

This big 14" Sky-Watcher go-to collapsible Dob will find and track over 42,000 celestial objects for you at the touch of a button or two. Its unique collapsible (telescoping) design makes set-up and take-down fast and easy.
Our Product #: S11830
Sky-Watcher Product #: S11830

Product Description

This 14" Sky-Watcher go-to collapsible truss-tube Dobsonian has:
14" (356 mm) Dobsonian-style Newtonian optics
conical primary mirror for faster cool-down
1600 mm focal length (f/4.5)
2" dual-speed Crayford-style focuser with 1.25" adaptor
25mm and 10mm 1.25" 4-element Plössl eyepieces
8x50 RA erect-image finderscope
SynScan hand controller with 42,000 object database
Go-to Dobsonian base with DC servo motors and dual encoders

The big 14" Sky-Watcher Dobsonian SynScan is a precision engineered go-to telescope that lets you easily find and enjoy viewing over 42,000 deep sky treasures - the Moon, planets, nebulas, star clusters, multiple star systems, galaxies, and more. Despite its size, its patented collapsible tube design lets you set up this big 14" Dobsonian in minutes in your back yard as well as fit into virtually any car for transporting to a dark sky observing site. It is truly the ultimate in portability and performance in a scope of such substantial aperture.

The collapsible truss tube design combines ease of use, extreme portability, and consistent big-scope performance in an affordable package. Unlike other truss tube designs, the 14" Sky-Watcher collapsible Dobsonian does not need to be completely disassembled into multiple components when not in use. There is no need to struggle with a collection of truss tubes that have to be packed and reassembled separately.

The secondary mirror cage with its attached trusses slides down onto the mirror box, allowing all the optics to be lifted out of the scope base as a single unit with the trusses attached. The two assemblies (optics and base) can then be transported separately and reassembled and ready to use in just minutes.

The 14" Sky-Watcher Dob is easy to collimate once set up, and it holds its collimation throughout the evening! Its patented tension control handle allows you to add or reduce tension in altitude when changing eyepieces, to compensate for the added weight of today's massive wide field eyepieces.

The Sky-Watcher SynScan™ AZ hand control allows you point your telescope at a specific object, or even tour the best objects visible in the night sky, at the touch of a button. The user-friendly menu system allows automatic slewing to over 42,900+ objects. Even if you have never used a telescope before, you can master its variety of features in only a few observing sessions. The patented dual encoder design allows the telescope to be moved manually whenever the user wishes - but with no need to re-align on the sky after you have moved the scope.

The 14" Sky-Watcher Dobsonian SynScan combines the convenience and affordability of the traditional Dobsonian with the convenience of a computerized go-to telescope that takes the work out of finding your way around the sky.

SynScan™ AZ hand control Specifications:

Power Supply: 10 to 15 V DC 1 Amp, 2.1mm plug (center positive)
Motor type: DC servo motors,
Resolution: Motor encoder: 1,620,000 counts per revolution, Main axis encoder: 11,748 counts per revolution
Slew speeds: 1.0X, 2.0X, 8X, 16X, 32X, 200X, 400X, 600X, 800X, 1000X sidereal
Tracking Rates: Sidereal, Lunar, Solar
Tracking Mode: Dual-axis tracking
Alignment Method: Brightest-Star Alignment, Two-Star Alignment
Database: 25 user defined objects; the complete Messier, NGC, and IC catalogs; plus a partial SAO catalog, for a total of 42,900 objects
Go-To Pointing Accuracy: Up to 5 arc min

Tech Details


Review by:
I'm a smaller guy with a smaller car (Corolla) and find this scope is just right for me as the biggest scope I own. It all fits well in my car, and each component is comfortable to handle, with the tube (with mirror) weighing about the same as a fully assembled 8" F/6 dob. Mirror isn't much trouble to move in and out, and it's thin so cools quickly with a fan put to it. I don't need any ladder, but do use a small booster for viewing at zenith (I'm 5'6"). Being able to lower the secondary cage for binoviewing is very convenient, especially as it allows seated viewing. (Posted on 10/26/2018)
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