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Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro Computerized GoTo Telescope Mount


Availability: More on the way

The Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro has done what some might think difficult.  It has improved upon on the already well received EQ6 with a assortment of upgrades.  
Our Product #: S30300
Sky-Watcher Product #: S30300
Recommended Accessories

Product Description

The team at Sky-Watcher took a good look at their best selling EQ6 mount and asked, "How can we make it better?"

They started with the obvious in making it more sturdy.  With this improved rigidity, brought in part by design and in part by construction (ie 16.5 pound 2" Stainless Steel tripod is a great way to start), they went about the task of improving the payload capacity as well.  Why the greater capacity you might ask?  Well, the EQ6-R Pro comes with a D and V saddle plate.  Basically this means it can handle virtually any dovetail you already own.

The new payload capacity of 44 pounds then opened another path for them to go down, improvement of the internals as well as the software and controls.  Standard in the EQ6-R Pro is permanent periodic error correction, zero-play power transmission, and a high precision latitude adjustment that works when fully loaded.  The EQ6-R Pro uses Stepper motors with a 1.8° step angle and 64 micro steps driven. Stepper motors are quieter than servo motors, providing accuracy up to 1 arc minute without waking your neighbors from buzzing motors.

You might get an itch to do some astro-photography with this mount as well.  Have no fear, it was designed with you in mind.  The EQ6-R boasts a number of features to aid astrophotographers. The built in ST-4 Autoguider port turns this mount into an astrophotography powerhouse, allowing you to utilize most of today's best autoguiders. Using the integrated RS232 port, you can control the telescope from your computer and take advantage of today's most advanced astronomy software. With a weight capacity of 44 lbs, the EQ6-R can handily support an optical tube, imaging accessories and camera.  Sky-Watcher includes an illuminated polar finderscope to aid the polar alignment process. The finderscope features a circular grid reticle for the northern hemisphere, consistent with todays popular polar alignment apps. For astronomers in the southern hemisphere, the constellation Octans is built into the reticle as well. Even without a clear view of Polaris, the EQ Pro can be polar aligned using our SynScan hand controller. Simply choose one of the visible stars listed and use the latitude adjustment screws to center it in the eyepiece.

Using the proprietary SynScan hand controller, the EQ6-R Pro provides a user-friendly interface with automatic slewing to over 42,000 objects in the night sky. The hand controller can also connect to a computer using the supplied RS232 cable (USB adapter available), enabling computer control with most astronomy programs. For the astrophotographers looking to reduce Periodic Error, the SynScan hand controller has built in PEC training that can be configured while in the field!

The EQ6-R Pro comes standard with two 11 pound counterweights, a retractable counterweight bar, and a new ergonomic handle to help get a grip on the 38 pound head when transporting.

Tech Details

Warranty 2 years


Review by:
I've had this mount since January 2024 and have taken over 50 astro photos. Usually I have several toss out photos out of a photo session, but not with this mount. The tracking has been so precise, that every photo has been excellent. I couldn't be happier with this portable mount. The first thing I did however was to buy a quality case to store everything in. I found a great heavy duty tool box made by Craftsman at Lowes. Using the packing material that came with the tripod, I lined the toolbox and everything fits inside. Since the toolbox has wheels, everything rolls out like a hand truck. Next, buy yourself a small plastic outdoor table that fits under your tripod and bolt an outdoor power strip for AC requirements. In 15 minutes you'll have the perfect outdoor observatory. Also the tool box doubles as a seat. I could tell you more about the tripod, but the previous reviews are "spot on" as far as how excellent this mount is. Get it while it's on sale too! Crewe Astronomy Club (Posted on 3/2/2024)
Review by:
I have been using SkyWatcher EQ6-R eq mount for 1 year and I can take 2 minutes exposure without autoguding with 130 mm f7 triplet. Higly recommend (Posted on 11/7/2019)
Review by:
I use this eq mount about 6 months and I am very satisfied (Posted on 10/31/2019)
Review by:
This is a great platform that's been around long enough to have quite the following. After purchase I watched some online tutorials and did the "hyper tune" at an added cost of about $30. I also bought some teflon sheet and made bushings for where the mount meets the tripod. This makes polar adjustment about 1000x smoother. I've gotten pinpoint stars on subs up to 30 minutes long with this mount. (Posted on 10/17/2019)
Review by:
This is what I really need. Excellent works with my 8" Newton. So I'm able to take a good astro photography. Goto is fully compatible with popular astro software. I strongly recommend for advanced amateur astronomers. (Posted on 10/17/2019)
Review by:
Highest recommendation. This is the mount to buy for portability, good tracking and capable of a good payload at an affordable price. Scopes too heavy for this mount are getting out of the range of portability. My home is surrounded by trees so I need the portability. If I could setup a permanent pad I'd buy a second EQ6r-Pro (Posted on 10/4/2019)
Review by:
I'm using this mount to hold my Schmidt Newtonian 10" reflector. I can get sub-arcsecond guiding with PHDguiding2. I'm glad I made the upgrade from the LXD55 mount. (Posted on 9/12/2019)
Review by:
This was my first proper mount for AP and was a little concerned it was going to be a huge learning curve, but it was actually very easy to get set up and going. Having a USB built-in is awesome. Although, mine allows a lot of movement with the connection and I ended up having to put velcro strips on the mount and the usb connector. Not a huge deal, the velcro holds it down nicely. Overall, I believe I made the right choice on my first mount! (Posted on 7/24/2019)
Review by:
At the heart of any set up for Astrophotography and precise GOTO controls is a great equatorial mount. The EQ6-R PRO combines incredibly accurate tracking and object location as well as being able to be portable. It has a 44 pound payload capacity which can handle most OTAs.. I have used my SkyWatcher 10" Astrograph and Esprit 120 Refractor with great ease. All the reviews about just what a great price performer the mount is are totally accurate. (Posted on 7/24/2019)
Review by:
I use this mount for AP with my Celestron Edge HD 9.25 and an OAG. It tracks beautifully as evident by nice round stars in my stacked photos from 10m subs. The assembled mount is heavy, so I carry the tripod, mount, and counterweights separately. The belt drive and 44lb payload were strong motivators in my purchase decision. This is my first GEM, and it is easy to setup and use. (Posted on 7/23/2019)
Review by:
Excellent Mount for the price. Love the new USB port on the Hand controller as it simplifies connectivity and one less cord in the Tool box. Very Smooth and quite, I no longer worry about waking the neighbors. Solid construction too. (Posted on 1/11/2019)
Review by:
Lots good to say about this mount. I have it permanently mounted in my observatory and for the price you pay it is hard to beat the performance. Works well with EQMOD and goto's are spot on. (Posted on 1/8/2019)
Review by:
I love this mount. this is my first "serious" sturdy astrophotography mount and I love it. It certainly lives up to it's reputation and I can certainly see why. I have this paired with my 6" maksutov netwonian telescope and I couldn't ask for a better rock solid setup. Thank you Sky Watcher for such an awesome product. It is truly a joy to use. (Posted on 1/2/2019)
Review by:
Decided to upgrade from my iOptron CEM25 to a sturdier mount to handle a larger payload. Too me the stability of the mount is very important for DSO imaging. As my set-up is just over 20 lbs I expected that the 44 lbs capacity of this mount would provide the stability I need. Don't get me wrong, I liked the iOptron mount, but after reading the reviews for this mount and seeing the discount price it was an easy decision. The only thing keeping it from 5 stars is that it doesn't come with a GPS receiver. Sky-Watcher sells a SynScan GPS, but too me it is overpriced. (Posted on 12/27/2018)
Review by:
After deciding I was going to get into AP the first order of business was a mount. It is THE most important element of your system. I researched numerous mounts from many companies but always kept coming back to this. It's payload capacity, PEC, drive motors, stiffness are hard to beat at this price point. It works great for someone just getting started in AP but will also serve you for many years given its large payload capacity. You may never need to buy another mount, oh, and the handle is really slick! (Posted on 12/22/2018)
Review by:
I would recommend this mount to anyone that wants to get good DSO astrophotography images. What I like most about this mount is that it is not as loud as much Goto EQ mounts. I can barely hear this at night! I use my AstroTech 72mm EdII telescope on this with my DLSR attached and a autoguider to made exposures all the way up to 12 minutes with no star trails at all. For anyone that wants to get into astrophotography, this is the mount for you. (Posted on 12/21/2018)
Review by:
I built Schaefer equatorial mounts for astrophotography in the early 90's that utilized Buyers worm gears. Needless to say I'm a stickler for mount rigidity, smoothness, and low periodic error. Having taken a break from astronomy for 15 years I decided it was time to resume astrophotography since digital imaging is much less expensive now. My own Schaefer mount is now just too heavy to move around by my aging self, so I started looking for a smaller alternative. I read some reviews and examined some of the imaging work being done with this Sky-Watcher EQ6r-Pro mount and decided to take the plunge. Its just as smooth as the mounts we built that cost four times as much, and the periodic error is a non issue. I'm amazed at the quality of engineering coming out of the far east these days. My only real gripe would be the finish is not perfect .. there were a few small paint blems, but once you start using a mount on a regular basis transporting it to dark sky sites its going to get roughed up anyway. The tripod it comes with is satisfactory .. but a solid pier would be even better if you have a permanent observatory or pad. The whole Synscan system is incredible .. these kinds of goto systems were the domain of large observatories back when I was building mounts and VERY expensive .. its a joy to use. I highly recommend this mount for astrophotography with refractors up to 120mm and reflectors up to 8". (Posted on 12/8/2018)
Review by:
Great mount with a good handle makes it really easy to move around and the belt drive makes it really quiet. I really recommend this mount. (Posted on 11/22/2018)
Review by:
Great mount with a nice carrying handle and because it's belt driven it's really quiet. (Posted on 11/22/2018)
Review by:
I have the 2 of the mounts that are the predecessor to this mount, the eqg. I have to say this works great as a beginner mount. I did have mine hyypertuned from Deep space products which made it perfect for my application. It is mounted on permanent pier in backyard and I am able to get RMS values always under 1.0 and typcially around .5 (Posted on 11/3/2018)
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Supplied Accessories

Two 11 pound counterweights