Lunt LS50C Double Stack Etalon for the Lunt LS50THa


Availability: In stock

Do you want to bring the most out of your Lunt LS50THa Solar Telescope?  The addition of the Lunt LS50C might just be the item you are looking for. 
Our Product #: LS50C
Lunt Solar Systems Product #: LS50C

Product Description

If you have come across this particular item then you must be looking for a way to tweak your already great Lunt Solar Telescope.  While the "standard" Lunt Solar Telescopes will show you fantastic solar images some people want the most detail they can get out of what they have.  Enter the double stack etalon.

The Lunt LS50C compact double stack filter will lower the bandpass of any 50mm Lunt solar scope from 0.7 Angstrom down to 0.5 Angstrom allowing the scope to produce finer detail in what you are seeing or photographing.  I know it seems like what you are seeing can't get any better, but it is possible by simply installing the LS50C on the front of the Lunt LS50THa Solar Telescope.  How do you install it you might ask?  All you do is simply thread it on the front of your LS50THa.  It will take only seconds to install.

Remember, this LS50C has to be used with a blocking filter of some sort.  You can't use this filter on its own. 

Tech Details


Review by:
The addition of a double stack module completely and utterly transformed my Lunt LS50THa solar scope into a truly great observing instrument. All kinds of contrasty detail suddenly popped into view, detail that had been almost entirely absent or maybe subtle at best in single-stacked mode. Active regions became swirls of activity with plage becoming decidedly bright and granularity becoming bold and distinct. Filaments also appeared well-defined. Prominences continue to be interesting to observe, dimmed only somewhat as opposed to observing them in single-stacked mode. The only thing that looks better in single-stacked mode is the very fine and narrow but bright and well-defined layer of spicules around the Sun’s limb, details that does become less obvious in double-stacked mode. But unlike internal double-stack modules, this front-mounted module allows you to attach and detach it with ease, thus giving you the benefit of single- and double-stack observing in the same sitting.

Deciding to put the same amount of money into a double-stack module as what one invested in the telescope itself may seem like a stretch. But having spent a good amount of time using that addition with my LS50THa, I would go so far as to say that the scope is incomplete without it. Highly, highly recommended. (Posted on 12/10/2018)
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