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ZWO Seestar S50 Smart Telescope

Regular Price: $499.00

Special Price $449.00

Availability: In stock

The ZWO Seestar S50 is poised to be the next revolution in astronomy.
Our Product #: Seestar50
ZWO Product #: Seestar S50

Product Description

Say hello to the ZWO Seestar S50.  What exactly is the Seestar S50?

Is it a telescope?

Is it a camera?

Does it have electric focus?

Does it have computer GoTo?

The simple answer to all of the above is yes.  It is and it does.

The Seestar S50 looks like a disruptor for the astronomical corner of our galaxy.  This gadget has the potential to revolutionize the way people interact with astronomical gear and how they share their passion for the night sky.

The engineers at ZWO took all their knowledge from years of astronomical imaging and put it this perfectly portable package.  It seems like they sat around and said how can we make this easy to use, make it a fancy piece of tech, and make it fun?  It sure looks like they achieved all of that.

The Seestar S50 looks like a friendly robot from the future to be honest.  It's compact 5.5x5x10” body weighs in at only 6.6 pounds making it a breeze to take out quickly.  On a full charge you can get up to 6 hours of “viewing” under the night sky.

How does one “view” without an eyepiece of any sort?  Glad you asked.  The Seestar S50’s triplet apochromatic lens does a fantastic job of creating crisp images for you to view on your smart device.  It does this by using a live stacking mode.  Basically it continuously collects images and puts them together live on your device.  More images, means more data.  More data means more color and detail.  You will gradually unveil details in celestial objects that your naked eye would have never picked up.

Your smart device will become mission command for the Seestar.  The app does some amazing things.  It can make recommendations for what is good to view that evening depending on weather conditions.  It is very intuitive and makes it easy to capture objects like the Moon, galaxies, nebula, and the Sun if you have proper filtering.  Read this part again.  You will need proper filtering to take images of the Sun.  I think having the Seestar would make eclipse chasing an absolute blast.

The Seestar S50 is really a breeze to use.  You will connect your smart device with the built-in WiFi/Bluetooth and the Seestar will start doing its little dance.  The built-in sensors and star maps will work in conjunction with your GPS on your smart device to self-calibrate and align.  ZWO has really tried to make the Seestar as user friendly as possible.  From auto focus so you images stay in focus to computer GoTo and tracking.  All you have to do is find the object on the database of the app and press.  The Seestar does the rest.

The Seestar comes with quite a collection of included accessoires.  A cae, a carbon fiber tripod and a snap in solar filter to help make solar observation an absolute breeze.

This instrument really has the possibility to change the way we all observe.  In the end it allows us easier access to share our passion with people all around the world, and that is a good thing.

Battery Life 6 Hours
Focal Ratio f/5
Telescope Aperture 50mm (1.97")
Telescope Mount Type Alt-Azimuth
Telescope Type Triplet Apochromatic Refractor
Focal Length (mm) 250
Camera Resolution 1920 x 1080
Telescope OTA Weight (lb.) 6.6
Warranty 2 Years
Includes Integrated WiFi? Yes, 5g/2.4G
Hand Controller Included Your Smart Device Functions as the Hand Controller
Operation Temperature 0°C ~ 40°C
Smart Telescope Sensor Sony IMX462

Tech Details


Review by:
Fantastic scope! It makes those nights I’m too tired or busy to go outside a productive and enjoyable. Good image quality from such a small aperture. Great service from Astronomics. Thanks so much! (Posted on 2/13/2024)
Review by:
I have only had the Seestar about a week and I must say it is so easy to use.I got a great shot of the moon the sun and a couple of nebulae.Its so easy to use and the pictures go straight to your csmera or a I pad with out no hassle what so ever.I have already had two updates which added more features and I would imagine more on the way. (Posted on 2/4/2024)
Review by:
This is a great little product. I turned it on, connected to my phone, told it to go to M27 it did, I pushed the the red record button stacked for 15 minutes and wow the stack worked better than I could have guessed. Best part was my Wife just loved it and told me "this was the best money ever spent on a telescope" Enough said I believe (Posted on 10/31/2023)
Review by:
I pre-ordered my Seestar from Astronomics on April 18th. Received in early October. I'm a fairly experienced visual amateur and astro imager. My imaging platforms consist of the usual heavy EQ mounts, refractors, ASIAIR units, guide scopes, ZWO 533 and 2600 cameras, electronic focusers, etc., and LOTS of cables and "stuff". I rarely disassemble or move them. No way I will pack them in the car to travel to another site (luckily I live under Bortle 4 skies). Then I saw the Astronomics annoucement about the Seestar S50. I pre-ordered right away. Could it be possible to have a compact, lightweight all-in-one package that I could just take with me on the road, carry over to a neighbor's home, take to a star party, etc. .... and set up in a couple of minutes and view deeps sky objects with more detail than I'd ever see through an eyepiece? WOW, yes, the Seestar does all of that. The app runs on iOS or Android. ZWO is constantly updating. Overall, it works very well. Has lots of features. It's still a first-generation product, but it really packs a punch and will undoubtedly just get better as they update firmware, etc. As of right now, October 25, 2023, it is working very well. Highly recommend for both beginners and advanced night sky enthusiasts who want to explore the deep sky with a simple, all-in-one package that is relatively inexpensive, but gives impressive results. Due to the short focal length and small aperture, it is NOT a planetary scope. (Posted on 10/25/2023)
Review by:
Wow ... For guys like myself, with zilch computer skills, the ZWO Seestar S50 is a astronomical game changer. If I had one word to describe it, SHAZAM!!! ZWO hit an out of the park grand slam with this product. (Posted on 10/6/2023)
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