Optolong L-eNhance 1.25" Light Pollution Tri-Band Imaging Filter


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Take back the night sky by using the Optolong L-eNhance 1.25" Tri-Band filter when imaging. A convenient and economic way to eNhance your nightly passion.
Our Product #: Optolen1
Optolong Product #: L-eNhance 1.25"
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Product Description

Optolong filters are here to help all of us Earth based Astronauts.  As light pollution gets worse and worse we need something in our tool kit to help us  photograph the night sky.  Urban sprawl has created skies that just aren't conducive to imaging.  You can fight back with the assistance of filters.  In the past it has been an expensive proposition to purchase separate filters and filter wheels.  The Optolong L-eNhance filter is doing its best to make it  a much more simple process to improve your photography.  

The L-eNhance 1.25" helps us by isolating specific emission lines.  It effectively isolates nebula emission lines at OIII, H-Beta , and H-alpha while achieving a maximum transmission of up to 90%.  This tri-band pass filter has been designed to work with DSLR, Color CMOS, and monochrome CCD Cameras

Their design is quite ingenious.  It keeps the prominent RGB colors of nebula while blocking out most wavelengths of light pollution.  The color curve chart in the images will show you everything you should need.

The filter itself is very well made.  The multi-layer anit-reflection coating is based on an Ion-assisted technology known for durability and Resistance to scratching.  The technology also provides stability to the CWL (central wavelength) allowing no deviation with temperature change.  The 1/4 wavelength Schott glass filter is housed in a very thin CNC machined housing..  The L-eNhance comes in a plastic case to protect your investment when not in use.

Tech Details

Color 0 - Not a color filter
Size 1.25"


Review by:
It seems like Astrophotographers who take longer exposure subs (e.g. 1min-5min+) might prefer the more narrow band L-eXtreme. But as I'm doing shorter exposure 50~250ms "lucky imaging" exposures at high gain simply drift imaging without tracking/guiding - the extra bit of light seems to help when detecting enough stars doing EAA LiveStacking in SharpCap. The 1.25" conveniently fits right on my ZWO ASI's included 1.25" nose, but the 2" might be more flexible as I look more into building an "Imaging Train" including a focal reducer... Maybe, why not both?! haha (Posted on 2/8/2023)
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